Released: 2021
IMDB Rating: 6.65/10
In a distant future, humanity has fled to a deep underground world known as the Labyrinth, where they live side by side. The Labyrinth has various colonies with extraordinary backgrounds, such as having high temperatures, while another is filled with gold and silver. Among them is a colony called Piniein, where a 9-year-old curious girl named Memmepo and her father, Gagunbar, live. As workers, the lowest rank of jobs, they ride robots to extract ore to survive. One day, Memmepo persuades Gagunbar, a miner who creates maps of the Labyrinth's interior, to go with her to find her mother. As a cartographer, Gagunbar has a dangerous yet attractive job. Currently, one step outside the colony is considered a danger zone, and a mysterious giant creature awaits, with a less than 5% chance of survival. Although it's an illegal move for profit, the map they obtain is extremely valuable and can be sold for a hefty price. Is the value of their curiosity higher? What bitter truth might be behind it? What is behind this test that awaits them? This story is about the journey of a father and daughter who are full of adventure, covered in the love of family.